Monday 4 July 2011

Best Stock Tips for Beginners

Stock tips supposedly give you the "inside scoop" on the next potential hot stock play so you can buy in when the stock price is low but before the stock takes off. Then sell when it's high - making you a nice profit.The stock market is a wonderful world where you can make money no matter how the economy is doing.  Most people, especially the media, use the Stock Tips for stock market as an indicator of the overall health of the economy.

That is not the case with stock market traders.  Stock traders make money no matter what the market does.  They have an investment strategy whether it’s a bear or a bull market..  To them, a stock falling is just as much an opportunity as a stock that is rising. Stock market beginners need to concentrate on the fundamentals of stock investment, rather than worry about fancy strategies or chasing extremely high returns. These fundamentals include understanding the costs of trading and assessing the potential losses. There are also several strategies or Stock Tips suited to beginners, such as diversification, tracking a market, and value investments.

Know When to Buy

The value of an actual stock tip depends when you received it. You may think you are getting in on the stock tip before it's about to take off, but in reality the people who are releasing these tips have already purchased a large position at a lower price. More then likely, as you are buying in - they are selling their positions!

Hot Stock Tip Scams

Investment bulletin boards and discussion groups are crammed with hot stock tips about impending developments and price soaring company mergers that are sure to send a stock soaring in value. Beware, just because these tips appear on some market forum doesn't mean they are exempt from insider trading laws and rules.


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