Tuesday 9 August 2011

Best Performing Stocks 2011


Best International Stocks 2011- International stocks, particularly emerging markets, have been on absolute fire in 2011 and over the past few years. The best investors following indian stock market tips
have poured more and more money into various regions of the world, including Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.

During periods of crisis, investors often flee risky asset classes and invest in assets or commodities that they feel will hold value.Gold is a prime example.Gold is relatively rare and it is respected across borders; therefore, unlike currencies, it is believed to hold its value over time. And gold's value isn't just speculation: Historic charts show that gold spiked from about $150 dollars an ounce in the mid-1970s to around $1,400 an ounce in 2010. As fears of volatility took hold in 2010-2011, gold prices skyrocketed. Despite, the 5% fall that gold saw from its record highs, it is not inconceivable that gold will continue to surge upwards.

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